Thursday, May 20, 2010

On Explaining the Unexplainable

In Less Than Two Paragraphs.

Trying to sum up how I knew I would feel watching my baby brother walk down the (graduation) aisle last weekend in a card (that so perfectly yet un-creatively accomplished this task for me) seemed impossible. This was, in part, because moments like these are hard to sum up in less than two paragraphs. And, also, I imagined that it wouldn't be until thirty years from now (if he followed my advice and saved all celebratory cards / post-its / occasional-confrontation-via-handwritten-notes from family) would he truly appreciate what that moment meant for the people who so proudly watch him creep slowly into adulthood. In the end, I made an honest attempt that I believe (and hope) affected him in the ways they are able to, given the circumstances of that moment. And, if not, I can always try again in thirty years. Enjoy.


  1. Well, since it was my son graduating I can see where you're coming from. The last child I will help walk that aisle,inching toward adulthood, as you say. The promise of great things to come. So proud I could burst. Poignant, I know. Then the late night call that evening: "Mom, we're having a barbecue. Where are the marshmallows?"
    Inch by inch.
    No one is in a hurry.
