Friday, May 14, 2010

On Unforgiving Names

A Topic I Know a Lil' Something About.

I'm an Einstein and so one might call me a 'genius' on this subject. There isn't a joke I (or any of my siblings, parents, cousins, aunts and grandparents) haven't heard. (Yes, we are geniuses. Yes, physics is our favorite subject. Yes, we will name our children Albert no matter the sex.) As I get older, more people remark on the magnitude of my name with something like, "what a name to grow up with!" (insert overly-enthusiastic grin) but until you have one of your own unforgiving names, you don't realize how often your name is shared for the first time on a daily basis. Sometimes, even Einsteins want to hide behind a mask of anonymity on, say, a line at the post office, a DMV misunderstanding, a doctor's visit where claim forms await, the bookstore mailing list, the volunteer group, the contract to sign, change of address, credit and debit cards (on avg, at least once per day), banks, work emails, introductions, UPS deliveries, telephone identification verifications (need a balance? order a gift? find out why your 90-day prescription is late? phone bill screwed up? how 'bout cable?) And yet, in spite of the incessant indulgence of unoriginal Einstein banter, I can't think of a better person to be (un)related to. So, thanks great-great-great grandpa, we all owe you one. Enjoy.


  1. I'm willing to bet that your blurb beats the article! (Haven't read it yet.)

  2. I think each and everyone of us has had our names' be the butt of a series of jokes or worse. Fortunately yours is attributed to being brainy. A positive thing.

    Having gone to school with a Michael Hunt (think about that one for a minute), Brian Kerr (B. Kerr) and a Miles Wythe (Miles Wide), and then I taught at least a couple of students called Virgin, etc. etc. I think you came out pretty good in the deal.

    Chin up.

    David Lockwood
    aka Cockwood, Wood-Lock, Block of wood, Knock on the door (?)
    or my fave...
    MS Word for the longest time would suggest 'Loco-weed' whenever I, or my students at the time, spellchecked a document. You've gotta laugh

  3. And, yes, we are related... ;))
