Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On Different Ways to Say Goodbye

Ci vediamo. (We’ll see each other.)

Saying goodbye comes in lots of different shapes and sizes. First, there are the romantic goodbyes, which range from dramatic and heartfelt to simple and unexpected, within which you have (though are not limited to) angry endings, happy endings, planned endings, and tearful endings. Then there are the departure goodbyes, in which those involved are off to separate destinations, whether it's back to their ordinary lives or an unknown world/relationship/job/idea somewhere far off. My least favorite goodbye is the most final one, during which we are forced to confront a permanent absence which never seems to make complete sense and is seemingly impossible to come to terms with yet simultaneously makes us aware and appreciative of the people with whom goodbyes are not imminent. The list goes on and the commonality between all of these semi-nostalgic moments remains, to me, prescient. I am reminded of Dr. Seuss (who always seems to say it best): "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Carly, I really liked this one... especially as I was saying goodbye to many friends and loves, moving across America. I shared it on facebook and received many thanks... so thanks for sharing it with me! :)
