Friday, September 17, 2010

On Human Decay

Embracing the Inevitable.

An entire beauty industry has preyed on our fear of the inevitable: the aging process. What if, instead of worrying about the wrinkles that can't be stopped or the gray hairs that pepper our youthful brown/gold/blond locks, we embrace these changes as a sign of wisdom and experience instead of despair and regret? The long life still ahead of us would most definitely be more pleasurable and, chances are, the aging process might even be slowed down a bit. Difficult, I know, but words of wisdom far superior to the alternative. Enjoy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think about this all the time, partly because I'm still quite unashamed to be naked in front of my son. Some day soon, though, it'll no longer be okay. I'll start dressing the moment I get out of the shower, and he'll stop pulling out his penis to show me how it works as a wristwatch, and we'll all be embarrassed of our bodies again. It's so strange...and strangely sad.
