Friday, November 5, 2010

On Why Exercise Doesn't Suck So Much

Because It Saves Your Life.

I joined the YMCA in 2005 for one whole year and went zero times. I agree - money well spent. And the lesson I've learned since then is to keep searching until you find the exercise that suits you. For me, six years, several wasted gym memberships and an overpriced personal trainer later, I've finally found kickboxing. But sometimes, even I need to kick my own butt to walk the forty minutes or take the two trains to the class (yes, that's how much I love it) because, even when going to the gym feels like a ton of crumbling bricks on my shoulders, I'm reminded of its health benefits and the long, vibrant years ahead. So do yourself a favor and follow life's grand ol' rule for pretty much everything worth fighting for: keep searching until you fall completely in love, knowing that for every bad day, there are five great ones to follow. Enjoy!

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