Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On Free Will

To Choose or (Not) to Choose...

When you woke up this morning, brushed your teeth, hopped on the subway/bicycle/sidewalkcrack, and opened this blog, were you completely morally responsible for the choices that brought you to this moment? Or, rather, would your exact same morning have happened in an alternate universe where the world was recreated (from scratch) up until this very morning again? And so the debate about free will goes: determinism argues that events lead to other events and, thus, human choice is an illusion; free will claims that particles interacting with each other cause change and, well, all the angst/excitement/fear/passion for the unknown isn't totally for nothing. So, my blog-reading colleagues/peers/enemies/andfriends, are you reading this by choice or by chance? Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I think about this a lot (unsurprisingly). From a purely scientific point of view, philosophy aside, if everything can be answered then there's no free will. Then again, science has plenty of theories involving uncertainty. Either way, I can't change the way the universe works. I just choose to behave as if free will exists until further notice. Thanks for sharing a great article!
