Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On Bookstore Romance

Fairy Tales in Real Life.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't once read a 400(+)-page version of Crime and Punishment in its entirety - for a guy - and scribbled (online) cliff notes onto scrap paper while emailing (him) quotes from my 'favorite passages.' In exchange, I welcomed glances from fellow subway patrons who, undoubtedly, formed (inaccurate) judgments about my intellectual curiosity when, in fact, it wasn't mine to judge and, besides, I had Eggers hiding in my bag for when Dostoevsky dragged on (usually around 12:30pm - halfway through lunch time). But catching up my English-major deficits is a small price to pay for true love and, so, we do what we have to do - peruse book store (clientele), overdose on latte refills, ignore stinging sunburns on solo spring picnics, and occasionally show up at a friend's party ... alone ... until the time we no longer have to. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. As a romance writer, I really felt compelled to respond to this article. Too many commonalities. On the other hand, I never met a book I didn't love (in some fashion) if only for the feel of paper on my fingertips. I do not now, or ever, want a Kindle in my life. No romance there, no thrill of turning the page, no musty smell of ink, or evidence of the previous reader, or the realizatioon that said reader never finished the book (not a cardinal sin, by the way). I do (proudly) believe that the most lasting memory my family will have of me is: me in bed after dinner, a book propped on my belly, my glasses sliding down my nose, eyes fast shut over a really great book!
