Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On the Motorcycle Diary of a Cougar

When All You Need Isn't Love.

While the Beatles echoed the naiveties of inexperienced, first love, thrusting aside all the formulaic necessities that make romance actually work (commitment, compatibility, and trust, to name just a few), Tina Turner was asking the right question: what's love got to do with it? Once the daze of first kisses, surprise texts, and unexpected compliments wears off, the substance leftover is what love has to do with. If you're lucky, you have something to work with, and if you're not, write a song about it and move on. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. What a great essay, especially to an older woman...like me ;-)
    Happily married-to a man who actually likes older women...well, that's what he says...I don't look at younger men (too much)but I do think of times past,a la Harry Chapin, "all the lips I've never kissed." So, the picture is a bit different but...Oh, there's always a 'but.'
