Friday, July 30, 2010

On the Secret (of the) Garden

Privy Only to the Gardener.

Just last month, I was a Gardener for the very first time, when my new neighbor left town and asked me to watch over her sacred kingdom while she vacationed in Hawaii for two weeks. I accepted immediately but was plagued by images of wilting cherry tomatoes and petal-less roses, at the mercy of my green-less thumb. (I only grow "plants I can't kill" and, yes, I've killed the impossible: the cactus.) But then something changed. After just a few days, the lifeless lettuce sprung back to life, a bright red strawberry appeared, and my childhood backyard after school adventures flashed before my eyes - morning glories! And just like that, the garden and I came to a tacit understanding: I would protect it from the harsh heat-waving sun (100+ degrees those weeks) and, in return, the garden would shower me with confidence, memories, and hope for a future with 'plants I can kill.' Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Watering my urban garden this summer every morning, watching all my newlky acquired plants wilting by evening, all I could think of was that I am singlehandedly supporting the NYC Dept. of Finance(where my water bill comes from-yes, homeowners pay for water!). I decided to move the newer plants to my shady backyard in hopes that the cooler setting would save them. Alas, in Costco last week, well, those Black-eyed Susans on sale were soooooo pretty... I only bought two. Hope springs eternal.
