Friday, February 25, 2011

On Advice from a 40-Something Twitterer

Dear Sugar:

Pearls of wisdom dispensed by our parents / grandparents / oldersiblings / teachers / favoritetelevisionstars / newspaperads / quotemagnets / daydreams / (un)warrantedpsychics -- regarding life's (un)answerable questions about the who / what / where / when / why of our past / present / future -- make these daunting what if's seem that much more approachable. We ignore the hindsight-being-20/20 factor and convince ourselves that this glorified insight is the key to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happy marriage, eternal wealth, and immortality, until we realize that the majority of answers lie here, there, and everywhere and, actually, their advice should actually be taken with a grain of sugar. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]