Thursday, February 24, 2011

On Knowing When to Say Yes

Biological Prioritization.

For most women I know (and some men), the days, hours, and minutes since our 28th birthdays (a few too many years ago) seem largely characterized by a combination of increased infatuation and repulsion towards all humans smaller than ten pounds and younger than six months. The clock - of which we had little awareness of prior to this unanticipated shift in biological prioritization - has decided to rear its (hour & minute) hands where careers, graduate educations, and world travels already exist, with little room for third-party-college-debt and first word/step/tooth/date documentation. (And yet.) Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]


  1. You have a beautiful way with words Carly. In a little nugget of prose you wisely sum up so many truths.

  2. In my next apartment, please remind me to paint one wall blue.
