Friday, January 6, 2012

On Identities & Traditions

Happy Holidays to All...

While I've never sat fully attentively through an entire Passover Seder or been able to recite holiday prayers without memorizing them in advance (really just Hanukah), I've attended enough bar and bat mitzvah's (my own not included) to insist on beginning my own tradition (this year) of lighting menorah candles without the assistance of my Hebrew-schooled siblings. Until I realized I didn't have the necessary tools, and so I called upon my overjoyed mother to lend a helping hand, and vowed to begin in December 2012. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I think-I know-that everyone of every culture has a story like that.Look at the uproar that occurred when Lowe's removed their advertising from that Muslim reality show last month.Their story hit the front page, went viral.Most stories are less spectacular but all told, add up to the same thing. And no, I do not have hope for humanity.
