Friday, January 13, 2012

On Parents Who Tweet

(And Play Scrabble.)

It took twice as long for our parents' generation to master the touch screen on their first i-phones and accompanying gadgets (often in the form of a birthday or holiday gifts, with small to mild resistance) but - once accomplished - half the time to school us in Words-with-Friends. Almost a year's worth of scrabble game under our belts and my English-lit-major/avid-reader/published-writer mother has yet to lose more than one game. With each semi-gracious loss, I send congratulatory (text) messages, wondering if and when they'll be discovered by the scrabble champion herself, who may or may not have mastered the text feature, too. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. Look at it this way: every day is a new discovery in technology for some of us. (Is that correct grammar?)
