Monday, September 17, 2012

On Monogamous Commitment

Un-blurred Lines.

With a lifetime of unknowns, a monogamous relationship might feel – at times – like a daunting task.  Unexpected strangers, co-workers, and friends-of-friends pose fantasies of what might have been, as we force ourselves to choose between right and wrong, the past and the future, enticement and eternity.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I read this article with great disgust.Un-blurred lines? When the writer's husband worries she will leave? When the suitor walks out, concerned for his relationshiop with her husband? (The only grown up in the room?) Yes, monogamy IS hard (Harry Chapin's song, Story of a Life, will leave you in tears). But unless you are committed to monogmy-don't marry! Or learn to keep your mouth shut, unlike this columnist who went for the money-or didn't have anything else to say.
