Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On Saying Yesssssss...

...to the Dress!

With the exception of over-sized, tasteful, pastel-colored balloons, I've never been one to fantasize about my wedding day.  Until now, it was a far-off celebration in the eventual future that required little to no thought or consideration in advance.  So when  the day to scout out my (future) wedding dress approached, I only knew I didn't want to look like every other bride.  And while it wasn't the first dress I tried on or even immediately fell in love with, it fit like a glove and made me pause - big time.  And so the wedding planning began, and the dress measurements taken, and all of a sudden I'm counting down to the day I can re-try it on in the comforts of my own home and imagine what the big day will be like.  Enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! I'll bet it looks waaaaaaaaaay differnt at home!!!!!!!!!!!!
