Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On Holiday Disasters

A Week to Recount.

Only two full days and a few hours after Thanksgiving break has ended, most of us can recount the details of our co-workers festivities, which range from grandiose feasts with friends, family, and neighbors, to ritualistic wars over decade-old squabbles. It's the topic around which water coolers revolve, time passes in deteriorating elevators, and monotonous daily exchanges to which we've grown wearily accustomed to are broken. Sadly, or not-so-sadly, I don't have much to contribute this year except to say my own family holiday was surprisingly calmer than years past, filled with laughter, family photos, and way too much whipped cream that - Yes, Mom - I take full responsibility for throwing in the garbage. For that, I am most thankful. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Well, explain that to your brother when he was looking for the whipped cream to cover his leftover sweet potato pie!
