Friday, December 24, 2010

On the One and Only Santa(land)

For the Believers and Non-Believers Alike.

As a child who got down with Hanukkah, Passover, and a handful of high holy holidays, I channeled my Christmas-envy into an annual arts-and-crafts session during which carefully constructed construction paper knockoffs were applauded by my 'rents, who agreed to fully anticipate Santa Claus's refusal to ignore all well-behaved children, regardless of religion. And so, following a potentially traumatic visit to Santaland (in Kings Plaza, no less - read the article!), where my painfully-not-shy mother insisted I (painfully shyly) whisper to Santa what I wanted for Christmas - (Space Barbie, oh please lord) - I was speechless when I ripped open my beloved new doll on December 25th, alongside a brightly-colored, hand-written note that awfully resembled the usual adoring-sweet-nothings from the tooth fairy about what smart, kind, funny, beautiful children we were. To this day, I still thank the makers of Santaland (Thank You, Macys) for connecting me to the powers-that-be that allowed me to add Space Barbie to my impressive collection of dolls. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Not much a mom can say to that. Glad you enjoyed. Barbie is now languishing in the basement, minus the costume, I'm sure, and maybe given a serious haircut by her owner.
