Monday, March 12, 2012

On Initial Infatuation

Long-Term Relationships.

Boy meets girl
(or vice versa)
they (quickly) fall in love
and (almost immediately) the initial infatuation

that will inevitably dissipate (into a long-term relationship with real-life decisions and complicated negotiations) monopolizes the vision of the white picket fence that, in reality, will need a paint job, and doesn't actually keep out the neighbor's dog, anyway. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I must (probably) be getting cranky in my old age, but on finishing this article I thought: oh, please. Isn't it enough to fall in love and have a fellow traveller join your journey through the life terrain of having children/financial mayhem/illness/senior care/etc. Passion? How wonderful it is to crawl into bed at the end of a sorry day and have a warm body wrap itself around you-even after forty years. As Bette Davis said, in Now Voyager:"Don't ask for the moon. We have the stars."
