Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On Questions We Stopped Asking

Curiosity Killed by the Cat.

Albert Einstein wisely said, The important thing is not to stop questioning, yet we stop anyway, as we grow older, more tired, comfortable-with-what-we-already-know, preoccupied with anti-wonderment. And the loss is precarious because the universe's answers are infinite, there is always more to learn, we are responsible for invoking possibility in our children's children's children, and we owe it to ourselves. It's not hard, I'll show you:

Why do elephants have big ears?
Why do we stop absorbing calcium?
Why do babies smell like babies?
What don't I love olives anymore?
Where do rainbows come from?
Is Gordon from Sesame Street still alive?
Why are people addicted to Jersey Shore?
Why does paper turn yellow with age?
Do cats understand know their own names?
Why are some people scared of the dark but not others?

Your turn.

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