Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On the Truth about Snowflakes

"Friends are like snowflakes: beautiful and different." (Starbucks Sign)

Each season has its own distinct, identifiable moment that fills the soul with simultaneous excitement and peace, as the grace of nature impresses upon us its persistent enigmatic presence in a world often characterized by chaos and disappointment. The first celebratory chirps of springtime distract from the consecutive weeks of rainfall, eventually accompanied by the pink and white blossoms we'd nearly forgotten from three hundred days prior. Warm summer nights in backyards and front stoops, during which tank tops and cutoffs abandon the stickiness of daytime sweat, welcome barbecued delectables and refills of white wine as friends swap stories of family vacations and weekday gossip. Rainbow-colored leaves invite the first batches of warm apple cider and cinnamon-coated donuts from the local farmer's market, as autumn shoelaces replace the nakedness of flip flops and pedicured toes. And the first fall of snowflakes, in their fragile, crystal-like glory, coat the streets of New York City with a magical glow and sense of calm found only in the curious diamonds that fall from the abyss above. Enjoy!

(Photo Credit: Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley)

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