Friday, July 6, 2012

On Infinite Quests

Forgot Password?

Following this past New Years Holiday, I bit the bullet and changed the majority of my online passwords. Inspired by the thrillionth article claiming my life would fall to ruin (and my identity stolen) if these passwords were left to minor variations of the same secret code, I decided to come up with completely random and varied references. Only when it came time to come up with actual ideas, I spent twenty minute increments identifying and weighing the importance of seemingly insignificant yet memorable moments in my life, wondering how mind-jogging this event or that person might still be to me (or a year from now, or two!), questioning not only my virtual persona but my real-life identity, as well.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I was hacked! Last week. Had to change MANY passwords. Annoyed everyone on my mailing list. But the upside,reestablished contact with an old friend. One out of a thousand ain't bad...
