Wednesday, November 6, 2013

On Our First Date

Near Effortlessness.

From the moment we first met, it has been near effortlessness-laughing at a moment's notice during uneventful household chores, holding hands on our 20-minute morning commute, and complementing each other's perspectives when hard decisions need to be made.  But four and a half years ago, when he gchatted me at work to ask if I wanted to split a turkey club at a nearby sandwich shop after work - "like a real date or something"- the exchange was far from smooth.  Eager to formalize our two-month "non-relationship," I dabbed on faded blush and a thin layer of lipstick to make my end-of-work-day glow appear ever-so-slightly polished and nervously headed down 5th avenue in the West Village towards Grey Dog on University Place, purposely late to avoid being the one to wait.  The minute we awkwardly united, the usual ease instantaneously resumed, and almost five years later-married and co-habitating in Colorado-turkey clubs are still a favorite date or something. Enjoy!

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