Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On (My) Couch of Thrones

Addicted to Dragon Eggs.

Having spent an inexcusable number of hours watching marathons of both legendary series and otherwise, my usual hard, fast rule is fairly consistent: no science fiction. And yet, time after time, I find myself ignoring my well-intended reasoning to discover the secret beneath the hatch (Lost), to root for the blood-sucking, beautiful vampires (True Blood), to watch dead people have heart-to-hearts (Six Feet Under), and - most recently - to watch dragon people hatch (dragon) eggs in blazing (dragon-producing) fires (Game of Thrones). The latter (GoT) came and went too fast - two and a half days, to be precise - and now I am left science-fiction-less until next April, during which I'll be (semi-)forced to 'fill this void' with less magical operating rooms (Grey's/Private Practice), UES relationships (xoxo, GG), and pimps disguised as high school basketball coaches (Hung). Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I got three of the books out of the library, and book one was so well-thumbed, I couldn't read it. (Apparently the library is behind the times.)And I was almost glad. I recognize an addiction when I see (read?) one.
