Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On Hand-Held History

The Last Page.

Ten copies of my favorite novel will sit patiently on my bookshelf, waiting to be cast off onto the next (un/fortunate) fiction guru, before actually lending my original read, for fear that the novel will be returned in the same condition I (willingly) afford my own literary journeys. To read is to devour both the characters and pages simultaneously, with residue of rushed morning coffee breaks and crowded (shoulder-to-shoulder) subway rides smeared on the indents of seemingly irrelevant chapters, where life lived in real-time overlaps with hours passed in imaginary time, and both heroes and heroins continue down their (fictional and non-) paths of self-discovery. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I could barely make it through that essay-maybe as boring as the 'fabulous' book I'm struggling with/through now, Stephen King's "Bag of Bones." Highly recommended, I promise you. When I begin to skim, it's a red flag that very likely I will read the last few pages and call it a day.
