Thursday, September 8, 2011

On Cat-astic

RIP Bungee Einstein.

After coasting through multiple household fetis catus/i over the last several decades - first, DoDo in the early 80's, followed by Oreo in the early 90's, then Bungee (aka Bung-inator, Mean Cat, Mr. Personality) in the early millennium, and, most recently (in 2011) -- siblings-by-adoption -- Ravioli & Juliet, one might surmise that the domesticated cat is hardly equal in intelligence quotient to its (cuddly) counterpart. And yet Bung-inator kept us (Einstein's) on our toes, glaring across baby-blue counter tops during breakfast, lunch, and dinner; intentionally ruining Monopoly board game marathons spring, summer, and fall; sitting in reserved (living room) seating right when your favorite show came on without so much as a friendly pet, leg rub, or purr. Loved and feared from afar, we came to terms that if Bungee were human, he'd likely be smarter (and meaner) than all of us combined, but - like family - we loved him (to pieces) anyway. (Rest In Peace Bunginator; we miss you from afar, as you so often preferred.) Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. We all miss him terribly. He was very protective of the family, and would even attack a dog without a qualm if the dog was too close to the house.And the dog owner would end up apologizing to us! Little did they know: don't mess with the Bungggg.
