Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Hoarding Memories

Binge & Purge.

Detaching ourselves from the sentimentality of our pasts is not always an easy feat, as shared artwork, rusty cutlery, and scraps of tissue paper carry the biased weight of who we once were. Yet recognizing the value of an un-objective binge and purge (or, at the very least, boxing up those memories for a good ol' 1-800-storage-unit) can free us from the material constraints of what was while empowering us with the mental strength for what will be. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. I still can recall the worn, pebbled soup spoon I used at my grandmother's, oh, maybe over fifty years ago. I can still feel it on my too small child's mouth. It disappeared with my grandmother. Memories can sometimes be burdens, even buried in a locked storage room.
