Thursday, January 10, 2013

On Flu Season

Disdain Thy Neighbor.

With flu season upon us, my health anxieties have officially kicked into high gear.  While others may categorize my disdain for sniffling coworkers and coughing customer service reps as borderline hypochondriacal, I prefer to think of myself as someone who attentively takes that extra step.  Flu shots a given, wiping down hotel fixtures and singing complete (yet swift) rounds of "Happy Birthday" with each hand wash simply increases my chance of skipping out on this year's germ-fest...and next year's, and the year after that. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]


  1. Hey, you forgot whooping cough-making a BIG comeback here in NYC ;-))) Of course, you COULD get innoculated, IF you could find a pediatrician to give it to you.

  2. And.... Everyone is sick... Hahha! Keep cleaning!
