Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On Joining (Sticker) Clubs

Initiation Fees.

I join, create, and quit, not necessarily in that order.  I'm passionate but unwilling to commit.  I feel inspired by shares values, interests, and (occasional) obsessions yet prefer to skim the surface of these mutual commonalities.  I've joined book clubs without ever intending to read the actual books.  I created a writer's club that met three times, resulted in a group blog, and never contributed.  Hebrew school included one hour in the early eighties.  I've attempted three graduate school programs in four semesters, two undergraduate universities in eleven months, and started a sleepover club (for adults) right after I moved to Denver (last year) in which only one sleepover was actually had.  I join but I don't, with intentions as ephemeral as the subjects themselves, and initiation fees paid for by guilty consciences and an unmet desire to belong.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

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