Monday, October 14, 2013

On(line) Privacy

Shared Experiences.

We received our first glimpse of wedding photographs this past Friday (via our photographer's blog), the day before our annual celebration of being engaged for 365 full days (if married/engaged days are allowed to overlap?), and the first place I almost went was facebook.  But then flashes of intimate moments on display for the whole world to see (my world, anyway) transformed the 80-something private gathering into an internet spectacle, and I immediately decided against it.  While part of me (of course) wants to share our marital joy and visual documentation with all of you who visit this blog semi-regularly, tolerate my occasional fb television quips (by the way, "Masters of Sex" on Showtime is totally awesome), and actually consider cooking my rare but relevant (boastful) recipes - not to mention, I do love me some wedding photography perusals - I also realized that somewhere between our actual lives and the ones we put forth on the internet, there must be some boundaries.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.] 

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