Thursday, August 12, 2010

On Epsicles and Dubble Gum

A History Worth Noting.

RIP Cheez Doodle Inventor Man. When I recently asked a friend to pick up Cheez Doodles for my BBQ, he showed up with Cheetos instead. (The horror!) I acted graciously, of course, but my disappointment was difficult to kick, especially since i was a 'puffed' doodle devotee and the Cheetos, if nothing else, attempt to imitate the 'crunchy' kind. Nevertheless, I spent the following week going through all three party-sized Cheetos bags and, on occasion, closed my eyes to enjoy the thick layer of cheese encrusted around my fingertips as if I was back on my stoop with my twenty-five cent Cheez Doodles bag, savoring the moments before homework time. Enjoy!

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