Monday, August 23, 2010

On the Kindness of Strangers

A Little Goes A Long Way.

There are some people in this world whose eyelashes hardly flutter when called upon to lend a helping hand, and our gratitude knows no bounds, especially since it's not necessarily in our own nature to volunteer without hesitancy or skepticism. For instance, in my case, when I spent four years working with homeless families in a shelter and relied solely on volunteers to do, well, everything (sort through hundreds of donated books during happy hour, play with toddlers on their days off, chaperone after school trips to local museums, serve food during holidays), I was baffled by the generosity of my family, friends, friends of friends, and perfect strangers, all of whom jumped at the opportunity to lend a hand. The truth was, I'd never volunteered a day in my life! And yet, I soon learned what they yearned for in return, and to express my thanks, promised them the smiling faces of children whose life circumstances were replaced by absorption of a great novel, melodies of sesame street songs, big, red fire trucks, and endless turkey feasts. To them I say Thanks for teaching me that the kindness of strangers goes a very long way. Enjoy!


  1. Beautiful article about the goodness of human beings. If we are lucky, the needs of others will present themselves to us more and give us a chance to be kind. I think we remember more fondly what we have given than what we have received.
