Monday, August 9, 2010

On the Things They Carried

Together and Apart.

A son's mother is a force to be reckoned with (by the wife/to-be) no matter how many recipes are exchanged and trips to the mall/museum/sharedapartment are had. Navigating her ins and outs is more gray than any other rainbow shade, and often a solo adventure in which even the guiding light of your partner can create more dark than illumination. Until that tiny gesture finally arrives, perhaps in the shape of a family secret recipe accompanied by a promise that the secret will be yours, too, one day, or a hug every-so-slightly warmer than the previous one. And the mutual understanding felt becomes the things you carry together, rather than apart, no matter how small or indispensable. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I meant to comment on this weeks ago- This article really struck me, the influence of our partners parents can be unbelievably intense... That goes for them living close by or very far away too =)
    This was my favorite passage from that article and my mom called me the day after I read it and referenced the same exact part too! Too funny.
    (“You know Brad and I don’t approve of you living together,” she said, referring to Miles’s father. She called it “living in sin.” Her hands gripped the steering wheel and outside it poured and poured. “When he has sex with you, he’s disrespecting you.” I thought about telling her that he sometimes disrespected me on the couch. Once in the kitchen.)
