Wednesday, October 19, 2011

On Monkeys in the Middle

Minding Our Own.

Minding our own business(es) can often take the form of semi-probing inquiries, unsolicited opinions, and meddling in muddled situations, with noses that typically belong elsewhere. And yet keeping our extremities to ourselves is as promising as unfavorable annual resolutions, enduring under pressure until we crave to what we can't have. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. on behalf of Stormy521: What a great article! Letting go of anger, frustration,remorse-the history that makes up my own two a.m. wakefulness-is sooo hard. Letting go, in exchange for creating a better memory (in this case, the granddaughter) is wisdom best earned as early as possible. Looking the other way is NOT such a bad idea, at times.
