Tuesday, February 7, 2012

On My First Job

Summer Camp Counselor.

I spent the majority of my pre-desk-job destiny (aka my adolescent years) avoiding the sterile office environment at all costs, as friends applied to internships in careers they convinced themselves were (eventually) meant to be while I frolicked in the Catskill's sun. I remained a (sleep-away) camp counselor until it was (borderline) no longer socially acceptable (for me, age 23) and justified the unconstrained, aimless choice in (summer) day job as a personal responsibility to play role model to the numerous fourteen and fifteen-year-old's whom I counseled through many-a-break-ups and homemade facials (oatmeal, cornstarch, and cucumbers). Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article, & Photo Credit: Einstein Siblings/Circa 1990's.]

1 comment:

  1. Photographic evidence of Jonah's rattail makes this post doubly awesome.
