Thursday, February 9, 2012

On Friendship Breakups

Let's Just Be...Nothing?

As we get older, we get wiser -- or so the saying goes -- and with it comes the preferential wisdom to sustain or nix the friendships we once couldn't live without. Friends get married and have babies, others (continue to) go on dates, have quarter and mid-life crises, move away (to Denver!), and go back to graduate school, while dinner conversation and telephone catch-up becomes less frequent and/or less interesting, not always in that order. And the decision to call it quits haunts some more than others, as (friendship) breakup lines are mulled over and rehearsed, and phone calls never (ever) returned. Enjoy! (Post Scriptum: For those I haven't called back, you'll be hearing from this evening; some of us are just texters.)

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1 comment:

  1. I call this housecleaning, and have separated from friends many, many times. Sometimes the friendship died a natural death, but in retrospect, the friends from which I tried to amicably 'divorce'-well, it never really was amicable, for one reason or another. Always left a bad taste. I wish I'd been better at it because I still remember a few I regret. Hmm, does that mean I should join Facebook and 'friend' them?
