Friday, January 24, 2014

On Social Appropriateness

"No offense but..."

You can feel the insult coming a mile away, clasped between a guilty nicety and a predictable warning to brace yourself.  So you grin and brace as flashes of equally hurtful comebacks pass before your teary eyes while your brain and heart struggle for an appropriate response.  Don't apologize, you tell yourself, wondering what the next best (better?) thing should be, reminding yourself that everyone has baggage and maybe this isn't about you at all.  Enjoy! 

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right. Most often, the Dudley Do-rite has no idea what harm he does in the middle of 'extending' his best wishes during a time of great stress, or worse yet, offering up unsought advice!
