Thursday, April 24, 2014

On Facebook Trash-Talking


Even though I simultaneously (literally and sincerely) "like" the most recent profiles pics of friends of friends and acquaintances who (still) feel the need to highlight their best physical features in photos that don't realistically represent what they look like (that can't be news to anyone these days), I have to confess that I'm also guilty of private, internal, less-than-holy thoughts.  They usually only last a second, are shared with no one, and consist of something along the lines of (easily) identifying [insert particularly camera-happy feature here] and acknowledging that their decision is uncomfortably transparent but, let's face it, facebook is about validation and attention from a world of people we'll never see (in person) again and, I, too, am guilty of it each time I post this blog.  So, thank you friend in Brooklyn who reads these words (and "validates" them regularly) and, Mom, for commenting weekly, and to that one camp friend who actually reads the accompanying article and gchatted me recently that he met the NYT Modern Love Editor, and also my Denver friend who reads almost every morning before 8am, and to my Roommate for giving me material. A little validation goes along way no matter how much trash talking happens off-screen.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. Lol. I am guilty of every single one of those thoughts.
