Monday, April 21, 2014

On What Love Means To You

 Other People's Wisdom.

The first time I went backpacking in the Rockies was during the summer of 2009 when my husband and I were still just "friends-with-benefits."  We traveled with four other friends and I was smitten with admiration as he effortlessly hung bear bags, whipped together camp fires at a moment's notice (and in the middle of nowhere), and single-handedly carried multiple 30-pound backpacks across death-defying, cliff-like bridges.  But it was during the less eventful portion of the hike when I knew I had met someone special.  We were hiking a semi-flat trail, everyone felt good about the altitude (aka no one was passed out with severe nausea or shallow breathing), and him and I were deep in conversation about whether Heathcliff was a villain or hero.  While we still don't agree on this particular point (I'm pro-Heath, he's not), our passion for literature, language, and philosophical conversation over this quote and that, continues to fuel late-night conversations and an unwavering sense that we've found the real deal. Enjoy (...and definitely check out the attached article)!
[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. Laughing because I woke up this morning thinking of ovens. these days, our pillow talk consists of pavers. (But I agree, Healthcliff was a hero. It's a girl thing…)
