Monday, May 12, 2014

On (A) Mother's Day

"Two Peas in a Pod."

My mom and I are more similar than we're different; let me count the ways.  We love to cook-for ourselves and others-the same spaghetti and meatball recipe (though hers is by far superior), various salads with beans and vinegar, and chocolate cake with or without filling as long as it's moist and rich.  We exchange recipes when inspired, and save them in handmade albums for a rainy day. We interrupt conversations out of excitement rather than rudeness, but can handle constructive criticism when asked to listen more thoughtfully.  We write things like novels (her) and blog posts (me) and blog post comments (her) because the written word is an inspirational means for (our) self-expression, inspired by our shared passion for novels.  She loves mysteries, myself a literary fiction fan, but occasionally the twain shall meet (-try GIRLS by an author whose name I can't remember; don't worry, she'll comment with details!).  We like to shop, sunbathe, do our nails, exchange skin care products, nail polish brands, favorite television shows, celebrity gossip, and give relationship advice when the situation allows.  We forget obvious things like this blog's URL (her) or what happened in the movie last night (me) or where we parked the car (both of us) but we always have great intentions and we're equally excited when we finally remember.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom, thanks for being the other pea in the pod!  

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.] 


  1. Well, what a list! I am humbled.
    I am honored to be your mother, as you fought to be my daughter. We've had a lot of fun-mostly, probably-because we enjoy each other's company. How lucky did we both get. (A statement, not a question.)
    And that author is the late, great Fred Busch, who taught at Colgate.
    And, lastly, since you asked...I made a terrific Bolognese for dinner tonight, Giada's recipe, plus milk.

  2. I love everything about this including mom's comment.
