Friday, May 2, 2014

On My (Floundering) Telelvision Addiction

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I'm not a couch potato, per se, but get me talking about the latest television drama and you'd think it was my second home.  Lately, though, something has changed.  It's not that I don't look forward to the latest updates from Hank Moody (Californication) or Nurse Jackie (er, Nurse Jackie) but my attention span for characters who are whining (or joking) about the same things year after year is less than optimal.  In fact, in the last three weeks, I've officially broken up with some seriously long-term relationships including (but not limited to) Glee, Grey's Anatomy, and Modern Family.  And these decisions were not made lightly or without hesitation.  After all, I've been drooling over Dr. McDreamy for years, and I love me some Lea Michele show tunes! But how many times can I deal with Rachel's Broadway anxiety and Christina indecisiveness over Dr. Hunt? (He's too good for her, anyway). And, quite honestly, I cannot, never could, and never will stand Lily Pritchett-Tucker. Even David Duchovny is starting to wear on me (Hank has another kid? Pu-lease!), and I accidentally missed the last two episodes of Downton Abbey before it was taken off demand, which is never a good sign and will take too much work trying to remember what happened to whom whenever it eventually returns in five years (though I was totally into the blonde chick's story). And I found myself overly grateful on Wednesday night when I realized I hadn't been taping Don Draper's most recent sob story (-I had three episodes to catch up on and the two that I saw were totally satisfying, btw; those of you who quit should really go back and finish).  Still, what's next?  I'm not optimistic, though I am (semi-joyfully) dabbling with The Americans (calling all Felicity and Brothers & Sister's fans!) and it ain't bad.  Hart of Dixie was meh, at best, and would do for a very rainy day, if that.  And I keep hearing that Sherlock aims to please but still don't know how to track it down (-we don't have hulu, it's not on demand, and we just canceled the Netflix DVDs for all the reasons listed above).  My "couch potato" days are not over, I assure you, for fear that water cooler and potluck conversation over the next five years will be solely limited to weddings and babies (please no) but it's seriously floundering due to something along the lines of Hollywood's lack of creativity, our addiction to cell phones, our fleeting attention spans, and what else? Who cares. (Also, any suggestions?) Enjoy.

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

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