Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On Sayin' Thanks

(Via Snail Mail.)

With weddings, (grand)babies and birthdays flying around (the majority of) our generations, the ritual of the "thank you card" is far from lost.  With creativity ranging from pre-printed, photo-infused collages to handmade Elmer's Glue masterpieces (I like to personally throw in an ode to my typewriter), snail mail is licked, posted, and sent.  A gem among daily bills, it's a good feeling to be appreciated, after which most cards are likely tossed into a dusty drawer or recycling bin and never actually spoken of, but not without a moment's reflection on the good deed it followed.  Enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. I have a lifetime's collection of birthday cards et al (even given to my kids) for my family to find when I'm gone. Almost as good as those photographs we don't put in albums anymore, most of them written by family members, so definitely a memory or two on those thin cardboard pages.
