Tuesday, May 6, 2014

On Playing Poker

My (Very) Bad Attitude.

By now, most friends (and avid blog readers) know that it's probably better to play with me than against me because, for whatever reason I can't begin to explain, it's over board games and decks of cards that my atypical demons come out.  I'm the sorest loser of them all (ask anyone related to me, in-laws included) but the minute my luck changes for the better, I pull out my myriad of gloating dances moves and unnecessarily boasting banter.  I'm trying to change my ways-for the sake of my marriage, friendships, and kin-but each time I lose a round (including in a recent poker game with friends and croquet with family), the world closes in and life (literally) feels completely worthless. (Any suggestions?)  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

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