Tuesday, July 1, 2014

On Making Plans

Type A-ers.

Us Type A folks don't do well without a plan, or even a plan for a plan, in which we dissect and examine every possible outcome between here and eternity.  Which is why when life gives us lemons, we want a recipe-and its backup-for lemonade...with and without options for sugar, alcohol and mint, please. And even if it turns out sour or totally inedible, we can assure you that we have three to five remedies waiting to rescue. So thank goodness for us that this ride call life is as predictable and (un)messy as a bowl of summer food and all its glorious, multi-colored utensils.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. So, do you have a backup plan for August? The near future?
