Friday, July 11, 2014

On Our Strange (& Embarrassing) Concerns

Windshield Wiper Paranoia.

I know we all have them-these silly, unjustifiable concerns for the most nonsensical habits and possessions-yet I still get paranoid when a rainy day shows up.  And if you promise not to make fun, I'll tell you what happens.  You see, driving in my vehicle (or yours if I'm back on the east coast, or-more likely-your parents'), I become unnecessarily self-conscious about the speed in which I set my windshield wipers which, if I'm being honest, is pretty fast.  Every time time I scan my peer group through the anonymity of tinted windows and cozy raindrop ridden doors, where so clearly not a single person is paying attention to the quickness of my rubber gliders, I am equally embarrassed by the unreasonableness of my paranoia.  But we all have these, right?, and since I'm telling you mine, you really should feel obliged to tell me yours.  And I guarantee I won't judge if you promise-the next time we pass in a storm - to pretend not to notice how fast I feel the urgency to keep the rain away.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. Funny! I do that, also. Very embarrassed if I'm the only one using them, too, even when I only use RainX!
