Thursday, July 31, 2014

On July 31st, 2014

"The Due Date Phenomenon."

I try and keep my blog posts about impending parenthood to a minimum for fear of boring my seven or so non-parental readers (appr 50%) and also out of courtesy for the semblance of privacy that my own family would like to maintain in the "face" of facebook exposition (pun intended!).  But today merits a different approach out of a pure fascination and distraction with what I've personally coined as "The Due Date Phenomenon," when gmail calendar reminders notify you and your partner that, in fact, today should be the day that your life will irrevocably change forever (and, also, don't forget to put out the recycling).  And, in fact, we welcomed this email reminder, not just to recall (in case we forgot) that our first child-whose facial features we constantly attempt to imagine and sense of humor we can't wait to challenge-would join our world sometime between an hour and two weeks from now, but of the journey we've embarked on starting from that moment-nine months ago-when we (or, rather, I) scoured the internet for multiple sources of "due date calculators" that continuously revealed today's date, July 31st, 2014.  At the time, it seemed so far off in a distance that it might have been someone else's story, and (like most eager, scared and confused couples) we quickly rushed to the pantry to determine just how large a lentil actually is since, really, who knows what that even looks like.  So now we wait, welcoming advice from seasoned friends (Cook frozen meals! Watch The Wire! Relax! Sleep while you still can!) and occasional check-ins by folks who relate as little as we did before these weeks arrived in our own personal lives-both excited and fearful for what's to come, knowing nothing and everything simultaneously about the fact that today's date will never be forgotten. Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. Look. See your picture there, five years old, on Cape Cod, I remember it like it was yesterday,and you do not. That's how fast it will all disappear, into its own history. Now, go on, make me a grandmother, and make your own history!
