Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On Snoody Foodies

Brooklyn & Beyond.

After relocating to Denver last year (from Brooklyn, NY) following several years of happily volunteering at the Park Slope Food Coop, (known - in some circles - for its elite, exclusive foodie attitude), I found myself desperate for great organic options at a reasonable price.  For me, this lifestyle just happened, after moving in with my first post-college roommate who agreed to share ingredients and casually suggested I check this place out.  Working monthly shifts as a checkout girl, I touched, smelled, and inquired about exotic, unknown vegetables - parsnips, chard, multiple types of kale - and learned new ways to mix and match the familiar.  And, so here I am, an innocent snoody foodie, tired of overpriced purple cauliflower stir fry, in search of my west (coast?) compromise.  Enjoy!

[Blog Reminder: Click on Subtitle Above for Article.]

1 comment:

  1. Upstate New York last weekend, I shopped 'local' and had the good fortune to stumble onto a late batch of homegrown lettuce. Not organic, not packaged, just locally grown. What a difference.
